Thursday, October 20, 2011

Something Beautiful

I saw a painter. He glazed at the heavens and smiled. Took his brush just to paint a small blue line on the canvas. One hour I waited, and it was only that one small line there on the canvas unchanged.

Couldn’t resist my curiosity, I asked the man: “What are you trying to paint?” He just smiled at me, saying “You’ll see.”

Three hours later, I was sitting on a chair near the “slow motion” painter, my legs just couldn’t stand anymore. I looked at the sky and it was getting dark. I saw the man and his painting. He added some other few black and yellow lines, and my tongue just couldn’t stop complaining. “Let’s go home, you are not getting anywhere with this painting.” But the man looked at me in my very eyes, his eyes was full of peace and calmness. He spoke very softly, “not yet, my friend.”

I was asleep, it was just too long for me to wait, until the light beam of the sun disturbed my sleepy eyes. Still tired, I tried to close my eyes once again, but something else just attracted my sleepy eyes. It was the painting. A painting of a man whose face I knew not. But that man saved me and showed me how to live. It was Him, my love and savior. He smiled showing his honest love to me. The most beautiful painting I’ve ever seen.


Man never understand the beauty of time. “The sooner, the better”, we say. We hate to wait. We said “excuse me” when someone’s blocking our way. We horn our car loudly when we felt we have no time, sometimes we shouted (in our heart or out from our mouth) if it was a bad day. But we forgot that the painter of our lives knows the best plan in His perfect timing.

He uses not only the brushes of bright color blessings to paint our lives’ canvas. He also uses the dark color brushes of time to make it even more beautiful.

For what is never seen, never heard, never came to our mind, is what God prepared for those who loves Him.

Something eternal. Something too beautiful, no one can erase.

“What is it?”, we asked.

“You’ll see.”, the Painter answered.

 the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it is just the author’s name

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ada seorang anak

Ada seorang anak baru belajar menghitung. Sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-tu satu! Du-du-du-duwa dua! Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ga tiga!

“Capek euy menghitung itu! Apalagi Ibu guru suka ngasih PR.” keluh si anak yang masih belum terlalu banyak makan asam garam ini (soalnya dia orang Manado jadi lebih suka sambal, capekdeh)

“Mana PR mu!”, tanya papanya. Si anak cemberut, “Capek Pah!” “Aku mau kembali ke playgroup saja!”, lanjutnya. Alhasil, kening papanyapun mengkerut. Si anakpun mulai kuatir, dalam hatinya: “Sebentar lagi pasti papa marah”.

Anehnya, papanya malah tersenyum dan keningnya “melunak” kembali (saya ga tau lawan kata mengkerut, anggap saja “melunak” ya, heheh.)

Lalu papanya bilang: “Yoweis [kok “yoweis”?! katanya Manado, gimana seh?!]. Yoweis nak, gapapah!”

Terkejut anaknya latah “Apa, pah?! Gapapa?!”

Papanya pun mengangguk, “Iya gapapa. PR yang ini tidak usah kamu kerjakan, tapi kerjakanlah PR yang lain!”

Gubrak! Papanya emang aneh bin ajaib, orang PR-nya cuma 1 kok malah disuruh kerjakan PR yang lain?! weleh weleh. “PR yang mana Pah?”, tanya anaknya dengan wajah berbentuk tanda tanya.

“PR yang bikin kamu seneng.”, jawab papanya. Gubrak kuadrat, aneh bin ajaib bin ampir mustahil (gada yang mustahil buat Tuhan, amen?!). “Emang ada gitu PR yang bikin seneng??” tanya anaknya pake tanda tanya dua kali.

Emang ada getoh pemirsa? Jeng jeng jeng jeng. ADA!

PR yang bikin kita seneng adalah PR-AISE and PR-AYING! Hehehe!

Coba aja deh kalo ga PR-caya!

And FYI, bukan cuma kita yang seneng, tapi Dia juga seneng ketika kita ngelakuinnya dengan tulus. So, what r we waiting 4? Let’s talk with Him, let’s praise His name!

Glory to God

Kumasuki GerbangNya dengan Hati Bersyukur

Hari Minggu, hari istirahat. Badan capek, pegel-pegel, enaknya tidur. Cuacapun mendukungku berlibur di pulau kapuk. Angin sepoi-sepoi ditiup sang kipas,, hahhh enaknya.

KRRRRRIIIIIIINGGGGG… Jam 5 pagi,, alaramku bernyanyi dengan fals dan cempreng. Waktunya saat teduh. Namun badanku masih ngantuk,,, tanpa ragu kupukul si alaram cempreng supaya diam.

Haripun berlanjut. Kulihat jam ditembokku menunjukkan pukul 11. Dasar si pemalas,, akupun masih berusaha tidur,,, tapi mataku sudah capek nutup terus.. Heuh,, terpaksa deh mandi. Musuh kali ini adalah si air dingin cap Bandung.. Hampir 4 tahun lebih aku di Bandung, tapi kami (aku dan air mandi cap Bandung) tak pernah berteman akrab,,, mungkin dia terlalu tertutup.. hehehe. Kuguyur dulu di tanganku,, “Au dingin !!!”, lalu di sekitar bahuku,, “Waau dingin”, lalu di seluruh tubuhku,, “Waaaahaaau dingin pisan !!!!!!”. Tapi lama-lama seger lho.. Memang benar kata pepatah : “Tak kenal maka tak sayang.” hehehe.

“Tuhanku maafin aku ud bangun telat”, kataku dalam saat teduhku.. “Ya dimaafin”, kata Tuhan. Trus dikasi 1 ayat tentang Tuhan Yesus yang saat teduh pagi-pagi pas masih gelap. Hehehe,, aq bersyukur banget ternyata Tuhan itu ga cuma ngampunin tapi ngasih saran, jadi inget 1Yoh1:9 (mengampuni DAN menyucikan)… Beneran deh Tuhan tuh bisa ngomong, asal kitanya aja mau ngedengerin.

Hari ini belom selesai. Kali ini “si keledai” ini naek angkot berangkat ke Gereja dari cisitu jam setengah 3. Uda tau BonBin macet tiap minggu,,, masih aja berangkat setengah jam sebelum ibadah! Heuh,, bT gw sm diri sndiri. Mana angkotnya jalan sbentar berhenti, jalan sebentar berhenti… Rasanya pengen bikin angkot terbang dalam hatiku. Heuh !!! Hatiku di angkot benar2 emosi,,, tapi kutahan, kata Salomo “Orang yang sabar melebihi seorang pahlawan. Orang yang menguasai dirinya melebihi orang yang merebut kota”…. Tahukah temen2 desteni kita bukan cuma jadi pahlawan, tapi jadi lebih dari pahlawan?! Ember!!! (baca Ams 16:32)

“Kiri A !!!!!”, kataku pada si Aa sopir angkot dengan nada emosi dan terburu-buru. Aku berjalan ke gereja dengan rasa bersalah… Seakan banyak orang yang teriak : “NI DIA NIH, SI TELAT LEWAT !”,, yup itu intimdasi iblis. Aq s4 merasa gak akan menikmati hadirat Tuhan dlm ibadah…

Namun, dalam perjalananku, Roh Kudus terus bernyanyi dalam hatiku, Ia bernyanyi suatu lagu yang masih kuingat sampai sekarang : “Kumasuki gerbangNya dengan hati bersyukur, halamanNya dengan pujian. Kutahu hari ini harinya Tuhan. Kubersuka sbab Dia girangkanku.”

Dan di gerbang Gereja GKKD, aku mendengar jemaat sedang bernyanyi lanjutannya : “Dia girangkanku, owww Dia girangkanku, kubersuka sbab Dia girangkanku!”, dan akupun tersenyum lebar. Tanpa ragu kumasuki gerbang gereja dan melanjutkan lagu yang Roh Kudus nyanyikan di angkot tadi.

Saat aku berpikir aku telah gagal,, dan kukira Ia kecewa dan tidak mau menerimaku,, Yesusku menunggu di pintu gerbang dan menanti-nantikan aku.. Dia girangkanku.

Ya lagu ini benar2 hidup.. “Kumasuki gerbangNya dengan hati bersyukur, halamanNya dengan pujian, kutahu hari ini harinya Tuhan, kubersuka sbab Dia girangkanku. Dia girangkanku. Oww Dia girangkanku. Kubersuka sbab Dia girangkanku.”


BTW sharing ini maksudnya bukan supaya kita boleh sewenaknya telat yahh.. Gbu

Mzm 100:4: Masuklah melalui pintu gerbangNya dengan nyanyian syukur, ke dalam pelataranNya dengan puji-pujian, bersyukurlah kepadaNya dan pujilah namaNya.

God loves u, why do you feel guilty entering His presence? God gives His blood so that He can be close to you, why feeling guilty? Why do you think He does not care about your problems? He cares, and He will make you glad!

-Glory to God-

pics taken from

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Funny Way to Live

It was the gloomiest day in my life, Happened a long time ago, but it felt like yesterday. That day, I thought I’ve had enough with this life. I felt it was over. The one I love the most, turns to be the one who hurts me the most. A simple “NO” to my love is like a death sentence for me.

As my hope and dream ended, I asked the Lord to end my life as well. I was going to jump myself to the road, to end all of my troubles. I tried to, but I was too afraid.


Losing hope doesn’t mean losing appetite for me :). So, I bought a loaf of bread and some drink, I went home to say “see you later” to all of my troubles by laying my head on my lovely bed.

As I tried to sleep, I heard a voice in my heart saying: “hear that sermon in your laptop, it is sermon number xxx (I forgot).” But I was too tired, I slept.

When I woke up, I didn’t forget the words I heard the day before. As I played the recorded sermon, the preacher told me a story of a prophet named Elijah. He was very strong in his faith: three and a half years there was no rain in Israel, but the day came when Elijah prayed for the rain and the heavens gave rain.

But there was one time in Elijah’s life when he was in serious despair because someone made an oath to take his life. Elijah felt that God had left him. He even asked God to take his life. Just like I did.

You know what was God’s answer? God said NO to his prayer. Just as He said NO to my prayer. God made him rest, literally sleep, just as He did to me. God gave him bread, just as He gave bread to me. God comforted the hopeless prophet, just as He comforted this hopeless man.

Believe me, there is a God who loves the broken hearted. There is a God who loves the sick. There is a God who loves the rejected. His name is Jesus Christ. By His blood on the cross, He heals us! He saves us!

If you don’t believe my story, just call Him and ask His help. He will heal those who come to Him. He will help you.

I know a way to live, it is funny though. But, surprisingly it is the best way. To live is to believe in God’s love.


the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it’s the author’s name

picture taken from

Monday, October 10, 2011


Waktu ku menulis surat ini, aku merenung apa yang orang pikirkan tentang tulisanku. Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang akan mencelaku karena melihat kegagalan-kegagalan masa laluku.

Tapi tak apa, justru itu baik bagiku, karena tulisanku bukan tentang betapa sempurnanya hidupku, melainkan tentang betapa sempurnanya kasih Bapaku.

Kasih Bapa adalah kasih yang tak pernah mati. Kasih itu begitu kuat, bahkan lebih kuat daripada semua dosa dan kenajisanku. Bapa adalah pribadi yang selalu rindu untuk mendekatiku. Bahkan ketika kujatuh dan hidupku hancur berantakan, Dia tetap memanggilku “anak”.

Waktu itu, aku ingat aku datang ke tempat ibadah. Namun, aku sadclip_image002ar akan betapa hancurnya hidupku, dan aku merasa tidak layak dan putus asa. Aku merasa tidak mungkin pulih dari kehancuran ini. Lalu aku berdoa kepada Bapa: “Bapa, tunjukkan orang yang hidupnya lebih hancur, namun tetap masih bisa dipulihkan.” Lalu tak lama kemudian datang seorang perempuan maju ke mimbar. Ia bersaksi menceritakan hidupnya yang betul-betul hancur dan bagaimana Tuhan memulihkan hidupnya.

Bapa pulihkan hidupku. Ia menyucikan dan melepaskanku dari ikatan-ikatan dosa yang terus melilit hidupku. Bapa mengobati luka hatiku, Ia menerimaku di saat semua menolakku.

Kasih Bapa, cuma itu yang kuperlu. Seperti udara yang kuhirup, seperti itulah kasih Bapa. Tak bisa sedetikpun aku kehilangan-Nya.

Saat ini, siapapun dirimu, sehancur apapun hidupmu, seburuk apapun masa lalumu, datanglah pada Bapa. Bapa mengasihimu. Ceritakan semuanya, Dia mengerti sakit hatimu, Dia mengerti kelemahanmu. Dia sanggup menyembuhkanmu. Percayalah kepada Bapa.

Bapa:“Kumengasihimu, anakku.”

Merk sebuah pen tidak ditulis di daftar pustaka, hanya nama penulisnya

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

You are My All in All

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all

Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord to give up, I’d be a fool
You are my all in all

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all

When I fall down, You pick me up
When I am dry, You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your name

You are My All in All

God, You are beautiful. In my weaknesses, Your grace becomes so strong. I know it now that I couldn’t do anything without You, yet I can do everything with You. Thanks God. You alone deserve the praise.

Glory to God

Friday, October 7, 2011

Missing the Old Times

I miss the old times when I was in my spiritual father’s room. Sleeping while waiting to go to the retreat in Lembang. I miss it so much. Don’t know why I’m writing this. If I just could go back to the past.

Monday, October 3, 2011

the power of identity

Is this humility? To say that I am weak, but I am trying to be strong? I lost so many battles and temptations, but I will try my best not to lose again? I know I can’t control my emotion, but I’m trying to be a better person?

“Self help” is another word for not trusting God in our lives. I believe that no man can help themselves. If they can, they do not need a Savior. God help us. But, how?

He gave us an identity.

A week in my new university, I felt very lazy. But I couldn’t fight it. Trying to change my sleeping habit (I used my mathematics alarm – the one you can only stop by solving a mathematical problem-), but it does not work, I always slept again after I solved it. When I woke up, I wanted to study, but Facebook seems more interesting. I want to change this ineffective life, but I can’t!

God help me though. One day, when I was fighting my laziness, I heard a voice in my heart, saying: “I am a student.” The words are so simple, yet powerful. “I am a student”. As a student, I study.

It was raining outside, but I went to McDonxxxx and studied for 2 hours, finishing my reading assignment. It was by grace, and grace alone I can overcome myself.

Gideon was a coward, but he fought the vast army of Midian with only 300 soldiers! Why? Because of the identity God gave him, when He called him: “MIGHTY WARRIOR!”

Jesus was tested 2 times by this conditional statement: “IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD,,, blablabla” But, He won! Why? Because HE KNOWS HE IS THE SON OF GOD, HE DOESN’T HAVE TO PROVE IT to the devil!"

What makes a student studies? Because he knows he is a student!
What makes a warrior fought bravely? Because he knows he is a mighty warrior!
What makes a man conquers? Because he knows he is more than a conqueror!

For I am not trying to be a winner, I am a winner, through Christ who loves me!


The power of identity. The power of faith.

-the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it is the author’s name-
picture taken from