Friday, August 19, 2011

Moses Learns to Rock

Let’s imagine a 120 years old grandpa, with white beard, white eye brow, all white. Already imagine it? Okay, now imagine his favorite song. “Hmmm, I’m feeling a bit Beatles here.” “Ah too modern. At the old times, they listened to Frank Sinatra.” “Nah, you guys got it all wrong, the old man loves ‘rock’ music!”

“David, seriously, is that a wrong title? Or you’re just making another unfunny joke of yours?” you may ask me. “None of them”, I imageanswer, ”there’s no mistake in the title and I’m not in the mood for making jokes.”

Well, let me tell you the story.

It was Moses’ last days in this earth, and the LORD inspired him a song, probably the last song he sang in his entire life. The “funny, or should I say unique?” thing about the song is that it is a ROCK song. And he sang it in front of the whole assembly of Israel! Cool huh?! Maybe you’re now imagining the stage, color spotlight, electric guitar, people dancing crazy, hahahaha.

The title of the chapter is “The Song of Moses” (it was written in Deuteronomy 32). And yes, Moses did sing. He sang a rock song. Actually, I should capitalize the word R-ock, because he was singing about his Rock, the Almighty God Himself. Here are some of the lyrics:

“He is the Rock...” (v4)
“You deserted the Rock, who fathered you...” (v18)
“...unless the Rock had sold them...” (v30)
“For their rock is not like our Rock...” (v31)
“Now where are their gods, the rock they take refuge in,...” (v36)

The song was filled with “Rock”. But why? What inspired Moses to sing this “Rock” music?

Beloved, Moses failures taught him this song.

It was one of the darkest days in Moses’ life. As usual, he had to deal with complains. This time it was about drinking water. “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock dimageie of thirst?”, the ‘complainers’ complained to Moses. The LORD then commanded Moses to strike the rock once so that water may flow from it, but instead of doing that, he stroke it twice for his heart was bitter. Moses also said to the Israelites: “Listen, you rebels, must WE (Moses and Aaron) bring your water out of this rock?”

Instead of saying HE (GOD) will bring the water out of the rock, Moses said WE will bring it out. How many times we said “I” instead of “HE”? How many times we trust in our strength, instead of relying in His? Our failures are like Moses’; they are caused by self-reliance. The Rock stands for one and one only: HIM!

Twice did Moses hit the rock. Once is not enough for him, so he added the second strike.
Have we ever felt that our “Rock’s” sacrifice on the cross is not enough? Have we ever felt that we need to add something to His sacrifice? Have we ever fallen into a serious sin and felt that He won’t forgive us anymore? Or fought and fought against a sin and always failed, then we thought He couldn’t set us free? We tried to run from Him even though He is our only hope? Have we ever felt so burdened and tired with our lives, and we decided to run towards sin and temporary pleasures offered by the world?

Moses didn’t reach the Promised Land because of his mistake. But he learned something about his God. He learned that God is the only Rock! God is the only hope! God is the only strength! No one besides God!

For the bible tells us: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD!” “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.”

Burdened? Tired of all your problems? Do not come to the world and his temporary pleasures of sin. It will never satisfy you. For Jesus, our Rock, gave us a promise: “COME TO ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The music is indeed a rock music, not because of its genre, but because of it’s soul, a resting soul for those who “come to the Rock”.

LET’S COME TO OUR ROCK! and we shall find rest. Amen.

the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it’s the author’s name
Glory to God

pictures taken from: and

Who Believes Who?

99% Christians know that they have to believe God, but do they know how much GOD believes them?

Peter’s 1st denial: “I am not (His disciple)”
Peter’s 2nd denial: “I am not (His disciple)”
Peter’s 3rd denial: not written in the book of John, but he just denied Him.

And then Jesus asked him whether he loves Him or not.

Peter’s 1st answer: “You know that I love You.”
Peter’s 2nd answer: “You know that I love You.”
Peter’s 3rd answer: “You know that I love You.” (crying)

If I’m Jesus (and have not been born again ;p), I will say to Peter, “I don’t know that you love me, Peter. In fact, lets look at your track record, let me see. Hmmmm, you denied me 3 times in my hardest times, when I need you the most! How about the two of us eat fried chicken, so that you can remember your denials, before you said to me “YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU!” How dare you said that! ...................... (more like a sinetron)

But thankfully I was not Him.

Jesus’ respond is: “FEED MY LAMBS.”

Do you know how important are these words?

“FEED MY LAMBS” is Jesus’ vision, His mandate, it is the reason why He came to the earth and gave His life, it is something SO precious for Him, AND He trusts it to Peter.

Don’t ask me why. All I know is:

1. GOD IS LOVE. (1 John 4:16)
2. LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS. (1 Cor 13:7)

1+2 = GOD LOVES YOU AND HE ALWAYS TRUSTS YOU not because of your good track record (if you have one), but because He loves you.

Let’s leave our old life, and start to believe in His love and in His trust, so that we can live only for Him. Amen.

The brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, only the writer’s name.
Praise is only to God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Work of God

God is so good. He is my revealer!

This morning He spoke to me about what He does. About His work.


Well, actually before I read my bible. I was messed up by all of my problems. They are too complicated for me. I just couldn’t solve them. I wondered and wondered, asking myself how to solve them. Analyzing them with my brain, but couldn’t find the answer. When I analyzed them, they got even worse. My imagination told me that the strings are getting more and more complicated. The more I analyzed my problems, the more complicated they became.

As usual, I gave up on my analyzing skill, and I turned to His word. God told me that He is able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within me (Eph 3:20). He told me that He is greater than all of my problems. He is able to solve my problems with a perfect solution that I never even imagine! Because He is beyond my imagination. Amen.

And not just that, God took me to His office, showing me what He does all the time. He showed me His work by telling me a story about a blind man.

There was a blind man. The man was blind since birth. And Jesus’ disciples asked Him: “Why is he blind? Is it because of his sin? Or his parents’ sin?” Jesus told them that neither him nor his parents sinned. The reason why the man is blind since birth is because God wants to show His work through His life.

So, I (David), ask my Lover and Revealer, “what is your work then? Is it to heal the blind?”

He then continued His story. The blind man was miraculously healed by imageJesus. But that was not the end of the story because God has not finished His work.

The Pharisees interrogated the ex-blind man, because they didn’t believe in this Jesus. They used too much of their logic and ego, how can they believe?

Finally, the Pharisees gave up trying to believe in Jesus. And left the man alone.

Jesus then came to him when he was alone. Jesus asked him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”. “Who is he, sir?”, the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in Him.” Jesus said, “You have now seen Him in fact, He is the one speaking with you.” Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Him. That was his last words captured in the bible.

So what is the work of God?

If God is a postman, he will write all the stamps with “Lord, I believe.”

If He is a doctor, he will cure his patient from the disease of unbelieveness.

If He is the president of the United States, His campaign motto will not be “Yes, I can.” But, “Yes, I believe.”

If He is a carpenter, He will make a wooden cross for Himself to be crucified. So that you and I could believe in Him and receive salvation through His sacrifice.

Whatever His work is, He is a God who creates faith in us and makes it perfect through trials and tribulations!

He is our faith creator! That is what He does! That is His work!

The work of God is much more than to make the blind man see. The work of God is to make the blind man believe.

Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” (John 6:29 NIV)


The brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it is just the writer’s name.
Praise God!

pictures taken from and,jesus,office,painting-7dfa92934f3fcec8b3c0c855cfd49768_m.jpg

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Malam itu adalah malam yang begitu gelap bagi keluarga John Smith, terlebih-lebih bagi John sendiri. Ayahnya yang begitu menyayanginya harus pulang ke rumah Bapa. image

Tetesan air mata John mengalir lebih deras daripada hujan rintik-rintik yang membasahi tanah pemakaman Westwood. Ini adalah malam terkelam sepanjang hidupnya.

Sekilas ia menutup matanya yang bengkak karena terlalu banyak mengeluarkan tangisan, lalu sebuah gulungan rol film pembicaraan sang ayah dan John kecil yang baru berumur 8 tahun, terputar di rekaman memorinya.

Ia teringat akan suatu hari di rumahnya di Westwood yang begitu sederhana, dimana matahari tersenyum lebar menghangatkan tanah keluarga Smith.

“Johnny”, panggil ayahnya sembari membuka pintu rumah. “Hehe, ada apa yah? Aku lagi main sepeda. Bagus ya yah? Tuh lihat aku bisa lho cuma pake 1 tangan.” Ayahnyapun tersenyum bangga. “Bagus nak. Pintar yah kamu mainnya.” Lalu dengan semangat, Johnny berputar-putar dengan sepedanya semakin cepat. Ayahnya dengan sabar menonton atraksi-atraksi Johnny mungil. Sambil berlari kecil ayahnya pura-pura mengejarnya dengan susah payah, sampai akhirnya ia menangkap, memeluk dan menggendong Johnny. “Sekarang kamu sudah ayah tangkap! Hehehe. Ayo mau kemana lagi kamu?!” Johnny kecil yang begitu manja ini puas tertawa, lalu ia memberikan ayahnya aba-aba, “Yah, aku mau bisikin sesuatu, sini deh.” Ayahnya pun mendekatkan telinganya ke dekat mulut Johnny.

Pelan-pelan Johnny menyampaikan isi hatinya ke telinga ayahnya, “Yah, Johnny mau naik mobil juga seperti ayah. Beliin Johnny mobil, yah.” Ayahnyapun menatap mata Johnny yang begitu polos. Dengan lembut ia berkata, ”Nak, sepedamu bagus kan?”. Johnny mengangguk. “Maukah kamu memberikannya kepada temanmu yang tidak mampu membelinya?” Sebelum Johnny menjawab, ayahnya melanjutkan: “Mobil ayah juga bagus, nanti kalau kamu sudah besar, ayah janji akan mengajari kamu membawa mobil. Dan kalau kamu sudah pintar, ayah akan memberikannya buat kamu.”

Johnny terdiam sebentar, tak lama kemudian ia pun tersenyum lebar seperti seorang peneliti yang baru saja mendapatkan ide brillian. “Ayah, sepedanya Johnny kasih Andrew aja ya, dia sangat rindu punya sepeda, lagian ayahnya ngga mampu beliin dia sepeda.” “Lho kenapa?” kata ayahnya terkejut, “bukankah kamu begitu menyukai sepeda ini?” “Iya yah aku suka, tapi kan aku bakal dapet mobil. Terus ayah juga janji mau ngajarin aku.” Semakin erat, ayahnya memeluk Johnny kecil. Lalu ia melepaskan pelukannya, memegang kedua bahu Johnny sambil menatap wajahnya dengan senyuman bangga.

Senyuman bangga itu kini ada di dalam peti mati, ia tersenyum pada anak kesayangannya yang begitu terpukul karena kematiannya. Namun, ajaran ayahnya tak akan pernah hilang di hati John. Ayahnya memang bukan seorang terpandang. Ia bukan seorang pilot atau insinyur ataupun dokter yang handal. Ayah John hanyalah seorang petani sederhana yang memberikan hidupnya untuk menemani dan mengajar John.

Peti mati itu boleh terkubur dalam-dalam. Namun, kenangan John tak akan pernah terkubur bagi dia yang memberikan hidupnya untuk John.

“Kenangan.” Bukankah itu sebuah kata yang hanya mungkin diucapkan oleh orang-orang melankolis dengan kelebayan tingkat tinggi yang menghabiskan waktunya di tengah malam untuk menulis, sambil menunggu siaran langsung pertandingan sepak bola antara Jerman vs Brasil, karena dia fans berat Jerman?


“No!”, jawab si melankolis bla-bla-bla .... tengah malam sambil menunggu .... bla-bla-bla fans berat Jerman, membela diri ;p

Di momen-momen akhir Tuhan Yesus ketika di muka bumi ini, Dia menyampaikan kerinduan hati-Nya kepada orang-orang terdekat-Nya. Kerinduan hati-Nya yang adalah kerinduan-Nya bagaimana Ia ingin dikenang.

Lalu Ia mengambil roti, mengucap syukur, memecah-mecahkannya dan memberikannya kepada mereka, kata-Nya: “Inilah tubuhku yang diserahkan bagi kamu; perbuatlah ini menjadi peringatan akan Aku.”

Bagaimana Tuhan Yesus ingin diingat? Kenangan seperti apa yang rindu Ia torehkan di hati murid-murid-Nya?

Apakah itu kenangan kesaktian Dia menyembuhkan orang sakit?
Apakah itu kenangan ketika Dia berkhotbah dengan otoritas tinggi di atas bukit?
Apakah itu kenangan ketika Dia membangkitkan orang mati yang sudah busuk?

imageKenangan Tuhan kita adalah roti yang dipecah-pecahkan dan diberikan kepada mereka yang Ia sayangi.
Kenangan Tuhan kita adalah hidup yang diberikan untuk keselamatan orang lain.

Sehingga Anda dan saya luput dari pintu gelap neraka yang memanggil kita, dan bebas dari rantai besi dosa yang membelenggu kita.

Sehingga Anda dan saya boleh memanggil Dia, “Bapa”. Sebab darah-Nya membuat kita yang “jauh” karena dosa, menjadi “dekat” karena kasih karunia.

Roti itu tidak dimakan-Nya sendiri, melainkan dipecah-pecahkan-Nya dan diberikan kepada orang-orang yang Ia sayangi.

Hidup-Nya Ia berikan, agar kita tidak binasa. (Yoh 3:16).
Hidup-Nya Ia berikan, agar kita memberikan hidup kita bagi saudara-saudara kita. (1 Yoh 3:16).

Suatu hari, Anda dan saya akan masuk ke peti yang sama dengan peti mati ayah John Smith. Bagaimana kita ingin dikenang? Maukah kita dikenang seperti Dia? Maukah kita menjadi roti yang terpecah dan diberikan kepada orang-orang yang kita kasihi? Maukah kita memberikan hidup kita agar orang lain diselamatkan dan mengenal Tuhan?

DOA: Aku mau jadi roti yang terpecah seperti Engkau, Tuhan. Aku mau melihat orang lain diselamatkan dan mengenal Bapa lewat hidupku. Amin.

Merk sebuah pen tidaklah tertulis di daftar pustaka, hanya nama penulisnya.
Glory to God

cerita mengenai John Smith, nama dan tokoh hanyalah sebuah ilustrasi dan bukan nama sebenarnya.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Finding Newyou

Two weeks ago, I attended a seminar about ‘the 7 mountains in life to be conquered’ by Dr. Lance Wallnau. I thought it was free, but suddenly I had to pay Rp.300.000,-. Huuuhaaa! Well if you ask me now, I will say it was a three hundred thousand rupiahs that changed my life. By the way, I think Dr. Wallnau is a very cool preacher. He’s got cool style and speaks very fluently about the Bible. It’s like that he has read the story of David vs Goliath, Saul, and Joseph 1000 times.

He opened the seminar by telling a story of a fish in a tank. Dr. Wallnau shared that he once visited his friend’s house. He then Finding Newyousglanced at his friend’s aquarium. An exotic looking fish attracted his eyes. “What kind of fish is that?” he asked. Proudly, his friend answered that it is a special fish from Asia called the Japanese Oranda Fish. “How big will it grow?” he expressed his interest. “That depends”, answered his friend. “Depends on what?” Dr. Wallnau mumbled absent mindedly as he observed the different colors of the scales. “Depends on the size tank you put it in. Stick him in a 50-gallon tank and he grows to nine (inches). Without a tank he can be a foot long.” (Transformational Coaching, p. 193).

Like that fish, our size (capacity) also depends. The more revelation we have, the bigger we are.

When I confess my sin and believe Jesus Christ died for my transgressions and failures, he becomes my God and I become His Father’s son, His heaven becomes my eternal home.

I thought that was all. But then a new revelation came. He told me that He will baptize me with the fire of the Holy Spirit. And as He said, I was and am baptized with the Holy Spirit. Now, I am not only saved, but also baptized with the Holy Spirit. But at that time, I didn’t know why I was still struggling with my sins; I still watched pornographic movies after having all the spiritual experiences.

Not until God revealed to me that if I live by the spirit, I will not satisfy the desire of my sinful nature anymore. Temptations to do sin still occurred, but being baptized with the Holy Spirit, I began to speak in tongues each time my flesh wants to do sin. That was the end of pornography in my life.

God then revealed to me that the righteous will not be beggars. So I believe His words, and I live my life with abundance for He who owns all the universe is my Dad.

But not just it. He told me that if I give my live to Jesus, a lot of people will be saved through my life. So I give it all to Jesus, and I saw (and I will see it even more) that many people brought to Jesus through my life, GLORY TO GOD.

Now, I am not only saved, but freed from sin thanks to the Holy Spirit. Not only that, I am blessed. And even more: I bless others’ lives. This fish is getting bigger and bigger depends on the revelation he has.

You are as big as your revelation.

New revelation is the new you!

For it is written in Psalm 1:1-3:

image“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of the sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yield its fruits in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

“How big is that tree?”, you may asked me. “It depends”, I answered. “Depends on the amount of the water it drinks.”

“How successful are you?”
“Ummm, I don’t know how to answer that.”
“Okay, maybe I should rephrase my question. How much is your revelation? How much time did you spend on reading and meditating the Word of God?”

the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it’s the author’s name
Glory to God !

Picture is taken from

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gray Hair Formula

Believe me, this article is not about hair coloring, because I know nothing about it. I’m just a dark haired young man who wants to live a colorful life. :)

imageIt all began when I was sleeping in the afternoon about 3 or 4 days ago. I was so tired, so I slept. I woke up and I don’t know why, but I felt very peaceful. It was just peace filling all over my heart. And I don’t know how it came, but a revelation opened my mind. It said: “gray hair is a man’s pride.”

I, then, searched my bible, found Proverbs 16:31: “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.”

Cool verse huh? For me, it’s a promise from God that we will have gray hair (living till old, till we’ve finished what we are supposed to do) and it will be our crown (something we take pride of). And God gave us the way to achieve that: “it (gray hair) is attained by a righteous life”.

Righteous life? How should I live righteous? I know I am a righteous man as His blood cleansed me. But living a righteous life? How can I do that?

I believe that the “the RIGHTEOUS will live by FAITH”. And “FAITH comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the WORD OF GOD.”

So, here’s the the formula to attain gray hair and be proud of it (I underlined “be proud of it” because some people have gray hair but they are not proud of it; it’s not a crown for them, it’s more like a curse, no offense):


Simple, but true. Because it is the word of God.

BTW, do you know why gray hair is the best sign of aging? Do you know why it is a crown to be proud of?

Because gray hair appears on our head. Head represents mind. So, getting older is identical with getting our mind renewed. Knowing GOD even more. For the bible said: “I wrote to you, fathers, because you have known Him from the beginning.” 

Can we take pride of ‘our gray hair’? 
Can we take pride of ‘knowing God’?

but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me

When we are old, this question can be an intimidating question or a question that shows how responsible we are with our lives: 
“Who is God?” 

Pray this prayer with me: “Father, I want to know You as Jesus have known You. As I grow old, my gray hair will be my pride, because I spent all my life to know and understand You.”


the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it is the writer’s name.
Glory to God

pictures taken from:;; 

Friday, August 5, 2011


I am DEAD. No more DAVID. DAVID is DEAD. It’s NO more ME. It’s JESUS CHRIST IN ME.


28.801 Alasan Mengucap Syukur

Judul tulisan ini tadinya “28.800 alasan mengucap syukur”, tapi hari ini Tuhan nambahin 1 alasan buatku mengucap syukur. Jadinya 28.801 deh, hehe. Apa sih alasan tambahan itu? Selamat membaca.

Sudah berapa kali hari ini kita berkata “terima kasih Tuhan”? 10 kali? 5 kali? Atau 3 kali (pas sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam)? :p

Mungkin kita berdalih: “Tidak ada hal besar yang membuatku mengucap syukur kepada Yesus hari ini. Aku tidak naik pangkat hari ini, aku tidak diwisuda hari ini, hari ini tidak ada tertulis huruf ‘A’ di sebelah namaku pada papan pengumuman nilai jurusan. Mengapa aku harus mengucap syukur?”

Kira-kira setidaknya ada 28.800 alasan bagiku untuk mengucap syukur. Barusan ketika aku menulis renungan ini, aku menghitung jumlah nafasku dalam 1 menit, ternyata ada 20 kali aku bernafas dalam 1 menit. 1 hari = 24 jam = 1.440 menit = 28.800 nafas. Setidaknya ada 28.800 alasan bagiku untuk mengucap syukur hari ini.

Yesus harus “mentraktir” 4.000 laki-laki lapar dengan hanya bermodalkan 7 roti dan beberapa ikan. Lalu apa yang Dia lakukan? Alkitabku mengatakan: Dia mengucap syukur. Bagi Yesus, yang adalah Tuhan yang empunya langit, bumi, planet, dan segala kekayaannya, 7 roti dan beberapa ikan adalah alasan yang cukup untuk mengucap syukur. 7 roti dan beberapa ikan mungkin cuma 1/ dari kekayaan Yesus. Agak ironis memang, kalau kita lupa berkata “thanks God” untuk Rp. 10.000,- yang kita terima, hanya karena gaji kita sudah 100 atau 1.000 atau 10.000 kali lipat dari uang itu.

Dan apa yang terjadi setelah Ia mengucap syukur?

Berkat Tuhan turun dan Ia memberkati orang banyak. Berkat itu begitu melimpah, 4.000 pria lapar diberinya makan, 7 bakul sisanya!

Jika kita sanggup mengucap syukur dalam perkara kecil, TUHAN akan memberikan perkara besar bagi kita untuk mengucap syukur. Jika kita sanggup mengucap syukur dengan “mobil-mobilan” yang Tuhan kasih, Ia akan memberikan “mobil” bagi kita untuk mengucap syukur lebih lagi.

Tapi ingat, ucapan syukur sejati tidak hanya datang dari mulut. Ucapan syukur sejati datangnya dari hati dan mengalir dalam perkataan dan perbuatan.

Ucapan syukur sejati tidak hanya berkata “Thanks GOD buat sahabat-sahabat yang Kau beri dalam hidupku.” Ucapan syukur sejati adalah mengasihi, mempedulikan, dan menjaga perasaan sahabat-sahabat kita.

Mengucap sykurlah dengan “mobil-mobilan” yang Tuhan beri dalam hidupmu, dan ujilah apakah TUHAN tidak akan memberikanmu sebuah “mobil” sehingga kamu boleh memberi “tumpangan” kepada orang-orang di sekitarmu.

Mat 15:36: “Sesudah itu Ia (Yesus) mengambil ketujuh roti dan ikan-ikan itu, mengucap syukur, memecah-mecahkannya dan memberikannya kepada murid-muridNya, lalu murid-muridNya memberikannya pula kepada orang banyak.”

Mengucap syukurlah dengan umurmu yang ibarat uap itu, mungkin sekitar 70 tahun, kalau kuat 80 tahun, dengan tidak menyia-nyiakan waktumu untuk hal-hal yang nggak penting. Seorang petinju yang hanya diberi satu kali kesempatan untuk memukul lawannya, akan memberikan pukulan terbaiknya. Hidup ini hanyalah satu kali. Just one shot at the goal, let’s give our best shot.

Puji Tuhan untuk 28.800 alasan itu. Namun, hari ini Tuhan ngasih aku 1 lagi alasan mengucap syukur, yaitu mengucap syukur karena boleh mengambil bagian dalam penderitaan Kristus. Because the Bible told me:

“But rejoice that you particpate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:13)

Aku percaya kalau di dalam penderitaan Kristus, kita akan menemukan kemuliaan Kristsus. Di dalam kesesakan kita, Yesus akan menunjukkan siapa Dia: “sebagai Penolong dalam kesesakan sangat terbukti”. Yes, aku percaya Yesusku dahsyat! Jalan penderitaan Yesus ini akan membuatku mengenal siapa Dia lebih dalam lagi, Tuhanku yang dahsyat!

Dia sudah menunjukkan kemuliaan-Nya saat ini. Dalam penderitaanku ini, aku dipakai Tuhan untuk menuliskan apa yang menjadi isi hati-Nya. Aku percaya Tuhanku belum selesai, kemuliaan-Nya akan dinyatakan jauh lebih lagi di dalam hidupku.

Mari kita doakan doa ini: “Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus buat penderitaan yang aku alami karena mengikut-Mu, aku percaya Engkau akan menunjukkan kemuliaan-Mu. Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus. Amin.”

28801 BMW

Merk sebuah pen tidak dicantumkan di daftar pustaka, hanya nama penulisnya.

-Glory to God-

ditulis 15 Oktober 2010, dimodifikasi 6 Agustus 2011 

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Kekasih Sejatiku

Raja itu menunggu bertahun-tahun menantikan seorang permaisuri.

Puteri dari Negeri Kecantikan datang dengan gaun yang begitu indah. Kalung permatanya mengkilau menyilaukan seluruh istana. Matanya berbinar-binar menatap mata sang raja. “Oh ini pasti orangnya.”, bisik seorang pelayan kerajaan kepada temannya. Namun, raja menolaknya.

Puteri dari Negeri Kecerdasan datang dengan pengetahuannya yang begitu dalam. Seluruh penemuan dan hikmat dunia ada di kepalanya. “Ini yang raja inginkan!” celetuk seorang penasihat kerajaan, sambil mengangkat jempolnya ke hadapan raja. Raja menggelengkan kepalanya.

Puteri dari Negeri Kekuasaan datang dengan membawa tentaranya sebanyak semut di pabrik gula-gula. Puteri begitu berkuasa, dengan satu ucapan kata saja ia bisa menghancurkan satu kerajaan. “Oh, ini raja! Ini yang akan membuat kerajaan kita semakin berkuasa! Rakyat kita akan semakin tunduk kepada raja!”, teriak seorang pemimpin pasukan kerajaan ke arah raja. Lalu, raja tertawa. “Apakah aku tertarik dengan kekuasaan?” lalu ia melanjutkan, “bukankah rakyatku mencintaiku karena aku mengasihi mereka? Karena aku memastikan anak-anak mereka mendapatkan susu terbaik dari kerajaan? Dan keadilan berlaku di seluruh pelosok kerajaan?”

Puteri dari Negeri Kekayaan pun datang dengan gajah-gajah yang mengangkut emas berton-ton. Satu kerajaan tercengang. Bendahara kerajaan pun terbangun dari tidurnya, meminta isterinya mencubit tangannya. “Sayang, apakah aku sedang bermimpi?”. Namun, raja hanya tersenyum, sambil bersenandung “emas dan perak sanggup membeli istana kerajaanku, tapi bukan cintaku.”

“Ohhh raja. Kapan kamu menikah? Kita harus memiliki seorang penerus kerajaan!”, keluh ibunda raja dengan hati yang terombang-ambingkan badai kesedihan, kekecewaan, dan keputusasaan.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, seorang puteri datang kepada raja dengan pakaian yang amat sederhana, tanpa uang, tanpa pasukan. Lalu puteri itu tunduk menyembah dan imageberkata “Raja, aku adalah permaisurimu. Aku tidak memakai topeng apapun. Aku disini karena satu dan hanya satu alasan: Cintaku dan kerinduanku untuk menyenangkan hati raja.”

Perhiasan apa yang kita pakai ketika kita menghadap Tuhan, Raja kita? Apakah kita senang memakai topeng? Kita datang dengan memakai cawat untuk menutupi ketelanjangan kita? Kita pikir Dia tidak tahu? Dia tahu. Dia tahu hati kita yang paling dalam.

Sebab kasih yang sejati melihat kedalaman hati.

Tuhan mengasihi mereka yang datang dengan ketulusan hati. Dia mengasihi orang yang bertobat dengan penyesalan yang sungguh, sebab bukan orang sehat yang memerlukan dokter, tapi orang sakit. Dia mengasihimu.

Bukan nyanyianmu, tapi hatimu yang membuat Dia tesenyum. Bukan lama doamu, tapi kerinduanmu yang membuat kamu tidak bisa berhenti berdoa dan Dia tidak bisa berhenti mencurahkan isi hati-Nya. Ohhh, betapa Dia merindukanmu.

Ketika aku bertemu Rajaku pagi ini, aku menemukan sukacita yang tak bisa ditawarkan siapapun di dunia ini. Doa bukanlah sebuah beban yang harus ditanggung. Doa adalah sebuah percakapan yang romantis dengan seorang Kekasih yang begitu mengasihimu. Doa adalah hati-mu yang berbicara dengan hati-Nya. “I love to pray, because He loves me and I love Him.”

Ini yang Tuhan suka: kita.

Ini yang Tuhan rindu: kita.

Ini yang membuat-Nya berseri-seri: kita.

Beloved, God loves you. Not your deeds, not your money, not your beautiful voice, not your prayer schedule. God loves your loving heart.

Datang kepada-Nya bukan dengan topeng, tapi sujudlah kepada Tuhan dengan berhiaskan kekudusan.

Merk sebuah pen tidaklah ditulis di daftar pustaka, tapi hanya nama penulisnya.
Glory to God !

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