When I woke up this morning, I saw something weird. God gave me a vision of a tomb (kuburan). I wondered what was it about.
Then I opened my Bible and started reading 3 passages as usual (it was Matthew 26-28’s turn this morning). As I read the passages, I noticed it was about Jesus’ death and His resurrection. It was about the cross and the empty tomb!
Again and again God spoke to me. And I know that it is not because I am a deserving person. I’m no “holy-religious” guy, I made terrible mistakes in my life. As I am writing this now, my tears almost fall as I know how undeserving I am, yet how much He loves me.
I have not understood why these passages rhymes in my heart till tonight. Tonight, something in me wanted to “go back” to my old life. “Cm’mon Dave, sin feels good. Cm’mon, no one will know. Cm’mon.”
I was so troubled by these temptations, but God gave me a song from His heart, a song that reminded me of what I read this morning:
When I remember that He died for me,
I’ll never go back anymore, Hallelujah
When I remember that He died for me,
I’ll never go back anymore.No no never never uh uh uh,
I’ll never go back anymore, Hallelujah
No no never never uh uh uh,
I’ll never go back anymore.When I remember that He rose again,
I’ll never go back anymore, Hallelujah
When I remember that He rose again,
I’ll never go back anymore,No no never never uh uh uh,
I’ll never go back anymore, Hallelujah
No no never never uh uh uh,
I’ll never go back anymore.
Simon Peter, God’s beloved disciple, went back to be a fisherman when he knew that His Master has died. But he didn’t realized that his Master’s death was for him to be saved. And his Master’s resurrection is to defeat the power of sin and its sting (death).
Some times later, the same Peter went to the cross just as his Master did, but he never went back. No, not anymore! He remembered that his Master died for him. That his Master rose for him too. Peter never went back.
Whatever your problem, Jesus loves you. He died for you. He rose for you. There is a calling I heard, someone calls you. Someone knocks on your door. Will you open it?
My God is a true lover.
Beloved.. when you follow Jesus, He will give you the strength to keep carrying on. To keep following Him, no matter how big your problem is.
Let’s pray this prayer: “Jesus, when I remember that You died for me, I’ll never go back anymore.”
Nice music: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/77767867/When%20I%20remember%20that%20He%20died%20for%20me.mp3
Glory to God
lyrics and music from: http://www.hymnalaccompanist.com/hios/hos58.html
picture from: http://www.officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/Graveyard-Tomb-psd16965.png