Have you ever been in a crossroad? There are many ways, but you just don’t know which path leads you to your destination. Big chance you will take the wrong path. In bahasa, we call it: “NYASAR”.
What should you do?
ASK! Yes, it’s easy, free, and logical. But what if the one you’ve asked is also not sure with his direction. In bahasa we call it “KALO NGGA SALAH”. Kalo ngga, ya salah. Hahah!
So, how to make sure you’re choosing the right path?
Of course, you need to ask God. He knows the best path for you to take. “But, how does He speak? I’ve asked God, but He didn’t answer me.” The bible is the WORD OF GOD, it’s how He speaks
Jeremiah 6:16a says: “Stand at the CROSSROADS and look; ASK for the ANCIENT PATHS, ASK where the GOOD WAY IS, and WALK IN IT, and you will find REST FOR YOUR SOULS.”
God, through His prophet Jeremiah, tells us to stand at the crossroad (don’t run from it!) and ASK. ASK for the ANCIENT PATHS (Jalan Masa Lalu).
“But what if I have failed? What if I have chosen the wrong path?”
The Bible is filled with stories of people from the past and their relationships with God. They faced crossroads and some chose the wrong path. King David, which is “the man after God’s own heart” himself, failed at the crossroad of temptation when he tried to satisfy himself with his own way. When others fight for their kingdom, King David slept, woke up late in the evening, looked at someone else’s bathroom, committed adultery with his loyal soldier’s wife, and murdered her husband. Too much sleeping and laziness are two small stones that caused bloodshed in the king’s family.
Peter “The Rock”, on the other hand, felt that he was the most loyal disciple until he realized he was an unfaithful coward traitor, just like the chicken whom God used to make him repent.
Our ancestors failed. They chose the wrong path in their crossroads. But God forgives them. And not only that, God wrote their failures so that we can learn from the ANCIENT PATHS. We can read it in the Bible, we can learn from their mistakes and we can choose the right path based on their stories.
We too have failed. We faced our crossroads and selfishly chose our own way. It made us trapped in the dark valley of sin. So, are we going to give up in this valley? NO! These are the things we need to do:
1. Repent, admit our sins, and ask for His forgiveness, cause He is faithful and He loves us. He will take us up (again) and restore us (again), for He is a loving GOD!
2. Learn from our mistakes for we will face similar crossroads.
Just like Peter, denying Jesus 3 times in front of the fire. He failed facing the crossroad of faithfulness. But Jesus didn’t give up on him. He took him again in front of the fire (burning coals) when the fisher of man was about to become fisherman once again. And as 3 times he denied Jesus, 3 times Peter admitted his love for the One who loves him the most.
Failure is not final. The bible said: “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.” (Proverbs 4:18-19 NIV).
The bible doesn’t say that the righteous never stumbled. It says the righteous never give up from their failures. They failed, they learned, they faced the same test, they are more than a conqueror until they see God’s rainbow of promise colored their lives. Unlike the wicked who never know what makes them stumble.
There will be many crossroads in our lives ahead. Crossroad of forgiveness (to forgive others who hurt you or to hate them), crossroad of obedience (to obey God or disobey), crossroad of sacrifice (to give your life for His glory or for your selfish desire), crossroad of faith (to believe Him even in the darkest times), crossroads of praise (to praise Him despite of the difficulties or start grumbling when you face problems), crossroad of integrity (to do the right thing no matter the consequences), and many other crossroads. Are you ready?
Facing crossroads? Failed? NO WORRY! Learn from your mistakes and face it again for you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you! AMEN!
the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, it’s the author’s name
Glory to God
pictures taken from: http://www.faithclipart.com/image/peter-crying-for-his-betrayal.html
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