King Darius took control; he made Daniel one of the top guys and planned to promote him even more. Nevertheless, the other top guys envied him and they exploited Daniel’s consistency in serving his GOD by setting a rule in which he who prays to other gods (beside the king) will be put into the lions’ den. Despite knowing this, Daniel consistently prayed to his GOD, GOD almighty, three times a day.
“Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his GOD, just as he done before.” (Daniel 6:10 NIV)
If Daniel has an autobiography, I think king Darius will give a plausible description regarding Daniel’s character. These were the king’s statements towards Daniel:
1: “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!” (Daniel 6:16b NIV)
2. “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20b NIV)
Readers, one might underlines Daniel’s integrity, his wisdom, etc. But today, God revealed to me that Daniel is a “continuous servant of the living God”. When he was rich and safe, he prayed; when his life was threatened, he CONSISTENTLY prayed. One might leave God when one is overwhelmed by richness and fall into the “I don’t need Him anymore” syndrome. Another might leave God when he was threatened: “If I keep my faith, I will suffer, so I choose to run away.” BUT DANIEL, he is exceptional. His world could go up and down, but his attitude towards God will always be the same: serving Him continually just as he done before.
Daniel was put into the lions’ den, but as we know, the hungry lions suddenly “lost their appetite”. The final judgment is always between Daniel and God, not Daniel and the king. And this was God’s judgment, Daniel proclaimed: “My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in His sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” FYI, the name Daniel means: “God is my judge!” Funny isn’t it? When destiny brought Daniel and his Judge met at the lion’s den and indeed, “not guilty” was the decision.
When I read Daniel’s story, I learned that God desires to have a continuous relationship with me. My relationship with God should be like Daniel’s: Things go well? Pray. Things go bad? Pray. Nothing happens? Pray.
My pastor told me that one’s main problem is not his outside sins (envy/jealousy, lust, pride, etc.). So, trying our best to live holy in order to avoiding the sins is like adjusting a clock hand every minute when we should replace the battery instead: it is tiresome and leads to failure. Let me put it this way: the problem is not the cough, it is the anti-body. The main problem is not the sin itself, but it is the broken relationship with God. When the inside is clean, indeed the outside is also clean.
Daniel accepted God’s love, we should do the same. Daniel committed to a continuous relationship with God, we should too. Daniel was saved from the lions (devil’s scheme), that’s also our destiny. Daniel was found blameless; we too are blameless because Jesus died for our sins and HE ALSO SET US FREE!
God, give us a constant loving relationship with You, in the name of Jesus we have prayed. Amen.
the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, only the author’s name. Glory to God.
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