Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

Hari itu aku duduk di area sebuah kampus. Kampus moody kalau boleh kunamai. Kadang dia sepi ketika dosen mengajar dengan serius. Kadang dia tertawa2 ketika aku dan teman2ku menikmati ketidakhadiran dosen.

Banyak kenangan di kampus itu yang kulupakan, namun yang satu ini tidak. Ketika aku disana sedang duduk, aku ingat seorang perempuan berbicara tentang sesuatu yang rohani. Mungkin itu adalah pertemuan pertamaku dengan pengajaran yang penuh kuasa.

Aku lupa dia ngomong apa, namun hatiku berdebar-debar. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (something is happening), yes, something is happening inside me. Bukan cinta, bukan asmara, tapi ROH. Seperti ada api yang keluar dari firman yang disampaikan Tuhan melalui mulutnya; dan itu membakar hatiku.

Dia seorang kakak buatku, dan itu tidakkan pernah berubah. Kak siapa? Ya, kk itu adalah dia yang suka minum es (apalagi ditraktir). Benjol di jidatku ini mengingatkanku padanya. huahuahaua

Puji Tuhan untuk kehidupan kk ya. I am so blessed, I am sure there are many other people that will know GOD through your life. Praise God. Amen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Russia with Love,,,

I was listening to a sermon and suddenly God gave me a vision of a Russian flag. I didn't know why Russia at that time. Kept listening to the sermon, the preacher, Dr. Bill Bright, then talked about Russia. He talked about an event in his life when he gave his retirement fund to some kind of a bible or Christian leadership school in Moscow, Russia. Then, when he got older and his health condition declined, a Russian doctor helped him. Dr. Bright said: "You can not outgive God" (Tuhanmu tidak pernah berhutang).

People, I learned that life is about giving, but one can never give without first receiving. Receive God's love for you, Jesus saves, Jesus loves you, He died as a sacrifice for your sins which could never be forgiven by "bribing" God with your good works. All by grace, good works are the fruit of believing His grace. Amen.

Glory to God alone.

pics taken from

Monday, November 26, 2012

When the Lions ”Lost their Appetite”

King Darius took control; he made Daniel one of the top guys and planned to promote him even more. Nevertheless, the other top guys envied him and they exploited Daniel’s consistency in serving his GOD by setting a rule in which he who prays to other gods (beside the king) will be put into the lions’ den. Despite knowing this, Daniel consistently prayed to his GOD, GOD almighty, three times a day.

“Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his GOD, just as he done before.” (Daniel 6:10 NIV)


If Daniel has an autobiography, I think king Darius will give a plausible description regarding Daniel’s character. These were the king’s statements towards Daniel:

1: “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!” (Daniel 6:16b NIV)

2. “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20b NIV)


Readers, one might underlines Daniel’s integrity, his wisdom, etc. But today, God revealed to me that Daniel is a “continuous servant of the living God”. When he was rich and safe, he prayed; when his life was threatened, he CONSISTENTLY prayed. One might leave God when one is overwhelmed by richness and fall into the “I don’t need Him anymore” syndrome. Another might leave God when he was threatened: “If I keep my faith, I will suffer, so I choose to run away.” BUT DANIEL, he is exceptional. His world could go up and down, but his attitude towards God will always be the same: serving Him continually just as he done before.


Daniel was put into the lions’ den, but as we know, the hungry lions suddenly “lost their appetite”. The final judgment is always between Daniel and God, not Daniel and the king. And this was God’s judgment, Daniel proclaimed: “My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in His sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” FYI, the name Daniel means: “God is my judge!” Funny isn’t it? When destiny brought Daniel and his Judge met at the lion’s den and indeed, “not guilty” was the decision.


When I read Daniel’s story, I learned that God desires to have a continuous relationship with me. My relationship with God should be like Daniel’s: Things go well? Pray. Things go bad? Pray. Nothing happens? Pray.


My pastor told me that one’s main problem is not his outside sins (envy/jealousy, lust, pride, etc.). So, trying our best to live holy in order to avoiding the sins is like adjusting a clock hand every minute when we should replace the battery instead: it is tiresome and leads to failure. Let me put it this way: the problem is not the cough, it is the anti-body. The main problem is not the sin itself, but it is the broken relationship with God. When the inside is clean, indeed the outside is also clean.


Daniel accepted God’s love, we should do the same. Daniel committed to a continuous relationship with God, we should too. Daniel was saved from the lions (devil’s scheme), that’s also our destiny. Daniel was found blameless; we too are blameless because Jesus died for our sins and HE ALSO SET US FREE!


God, give us a constant loving relationship with You, in the name of Jesus we have prayed. Amen.



the brand of a pen is not written in the bibliography, only the author’s name. Glory to God.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

that funky guy called Thomas

i imagine he was wearing a cool-white-professor suite with thick glasses (just my imagination)
he thought he was so cool, so funky
confidently (or I should say scientifically), he said: "Unless I see the nail marks in His (Jesus') hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hands into His side, I will not believe it."
the smart one, eh? talked a lot like he knew better

well, scientifically-dead Jesus then came to him to satisfy the professor's experimental desire
"Put your finger here", He said (Thomas was quiet)
"Reach out your hand and put it into My side." (Thomas: "……….")
Where did the smart-talks go? Why so quiet now?

Jesus then said to him: "Stop doubting and believe."

Finally Thomas managed to speak. He said: "My Lord and my God!"
Well, to be fair, that was not even a proper sentence, there's only one subject and no verb; so technically, the professor was still speechless. Jesus then said to him: "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed."

Life could be difficult, and many will say "trust Him". We may say: "Well, I want to, but I couldn't." It was not easy either for Jesus to see His loved ones doubting Him. What He said to Thomas He said to us: "Stop doubting and believe". One has to stop then the other will move. We can't have doubt and believe in the same room. Whenever that doubt speaks, tell him to stop, and speak faith. When your heart says "why this happens to me?" STOP that nonsense-professor's speech! Instead, say: "in all things God works together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Rm 8:28).

Despite his weaknesses, Thomas was loved, Jesus made him believe. The same Jesus who loves that funky guy called Thomas, loves you too. Jesus, teach us to STOP DOUBTING and START BELIEVING, make our doubt speechless we pray. Amen.

Glory to God Almighty

pics from

Friday, November 16, 2012

TODAY (16 Nov 10:39) is Our Day

My Papa in heaven LOVES me so muchhhhh. I love You, Papa. This is our day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


smileHati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang (Ams 17:22) In love

God loves you….


Saturday, November 3, 2012

IELTS (Inilah Emang Luarbiasanya Tuhan Saya)

“Hari ini adalah hari yang spesial. Wonderpul-nya pul banget”, kata org xxxxx yang siapa bilang ga bisa ngomong ‘Ep’. Pitnah! Haha. Luar biasa kerena hari ini ada tes IELTS. So? So? So what getuloh?

Pagi2 aku terbangun dan berdoa, Tuhan kasih aku penglihatan tentang kuda, ada buanyak kuda. “Hmm, pasti ntr bkl ngmg soal kuda pas bc Alkitab”, dlm hatiku. Eh tahunya tidak. Aku bingung, tapi tidak frustrasi. Haha,,

Yah, berangkat tes, everything seems to be alright. Pas sampe, tepat waktu, gada mslh. Kami nunggu2 mulainya tes yang ceunah jam 9. Tapi ternyata Jam 9 WIT (Waktu Inggris Timur) alias jam 10, hoho. Hehe. Ajaib bin bisa jadi kebtulan (tp skrg aku tau itu ajaib), aku melihat majalah temen yg lg nunggu d ruangan yg sama, ada gambar kuda2 yg td aku lihat pas doa. “Wuidih!” dlm hati, “tp apa mksdnya?”

Lanjut,,, pas ngantri masuk kelas, banyak bgt orang dan mereka pada di-scan sidik jarinya (keren khan?), hehe. Yah, semua orang lancar. Di scan, masuk kelas. Di scan, masuk kelas. Si Aa bule resepsionisnya ngangguk2 mempersilahkan mangga mangga (kunaon? wkwk).

Sampailah giliranku, dgn langkah tegap, pake baju kemeja putih terbaikku yg kinclong, hampir mau narok jariku di scanner. LALU, ad suara d hatiku bilang: “pasti bermasalah”. Gtau juga kok suara ini muncul, apa cuma ketakutanku saja? Kan yg laen lancar? Ternyata oh ternyata,, pas si Dapid nempelin jarinya, si Aa bule ngomong: “coba lagi.” Try it again.” Dcoba, eh masih si Aa ngeyel: “coba lagi”. Trus ditambah “up and down. Dinaik turunin coba.” Ceunah si Aa –dah mulai panik urang. Si Aa lalu main logikanya: “elu td pake jari yg ini gak?” Trus yah urang bingung, “tadi kapan???”, dlm hati. Perasaan tadi gak ada nempel2 jari di scanner. Trus dia bilang “lo tadi di foto gak?” wuidih asemm. Inilah namanya kehidupan: ada susu manis, ada susu yoghurt. Yang satu enak di mulut, yang lain enak di perut. Haha.

Well, ketika aku menulis ini. Aku tahu sekalipun aku punya bnyk masalah, skalipun jalanku mungkin tampak lebih sulit. Aku tahu dan tersenyum, Tuhan mendidik orang yang dikasihi-Nya dengan cara yang berbeda. The Bible says: “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.” (Rev 3:19a NIV).

Seseorang pernah bercerita soal kuda champion (now I know why I saw horses), kuda champion (dalam lomba lari) dididik dgn cara yang berbeda, mereka punya makanan yang berbeda, dilatih dgn latihan yang berbeda. SUlit? SUsah? SUkar? SUdahlah, bersyukur, jangan mengeluh, God’s treating you as HE treats His own child. God’s shaping your character.

Lalu2.. walo tesnya memang susah (terutama bagian reading dan listening), tp aku tetap tahu aku gboleh give up. Selanjutnya: Speaking Test! Masuk ke ruang speaking, aku bertemu dgn penguji, kali ini sama si teteh. “How are you?” ceunah. Untung urang ga jawab “David” itu kan “What’s your name?” wahahaha.

Yah, bbrp hari ini aku rhema soal segala sesuatu dlm hidupku (suka, duka, tangis, tawa) adalah untuk kemuliaan Tuhan. Pagi tadi aku bernyanyi “Lord I offer my life to You, everything I’ve been through, use it for your glory.” Semua yang terjadi adalah untuk kemuliaan Tuhan… yakin semua? IELTS juga?

Lalu si teteh nanya, “What’s your favourite book?” Aku bilang: “Buku favoritku adalah Alkitab.” Aku jelasin bahwa Alkitablah suara Tuhan. Alkitablah yang menghiburku di waktu sedih. Alkitab hidup, seperti pribadi yang berbicara (“The Word was God”). Alkitab intinya bukan soal “rules and regulations” (harus gini harus gitu kalo ga masuk neraka  –red). “No, the Bible is about relationship” “it’s about love” “Loving God, loving others.” (hrs dicatat walau bukan soal aturan, the Bible talks about love that makes us obey/taat HIM -red). Wow, untung si teteh gak sampe nangis2 dengernya yah. hahahaha.

Kayanya ud lama aku ngomong, terus pas mau stop, si teteh kasi kode pake tangannya kayak tukang parkir: ”Terus… terus…”. Hehe. Okay… Aku keinget 1 hal, kubilang “Alkitab, karena itu suara Tuhan, punya kuasa.” Lalu aku cerita kr2 gini “Ada seorang temenku yang sakit (di rumah sakit, sakit DB -red). Terus aku diingetin 1 ayat pas kunjungan, dan aku bacain ke dia. Aku suruh dia baca. Terus aku dapet keyakinan besok (siang -red) dia sembuh dari ayat itu. Dan ternyata besoknya dia sembuh (trombositnya naik, stlh berhari2 turun -red).” Ternyata, speaking test ini bisa di- “used for His glory”. Satu jiwa mendengar kabar baik itu, dan karena ini direkam, jd mungkin ada yg lain yang bakal denger juga.

I’m a servant of God, cuma alat. Dan Holy Spirit yang melakukan itu semua (“dan jika kamu digiring dan diserahkan, janganlah kamu kuatir akan apa yang harus kamu katakan, tetapi katakanlah apa yang DIKARUNIAKAN kepadamu pada saat itu juga, sebab BUKAN KAMU YANG BERKATA-KATA, MELAINKAN ROH KUDUS.” Karena Roh Kudus yang berkata-kata, aku mau bilang “WOW” terhadap  luarbiasanya GOD. GOD is so beautiful. Powerful and wonderful. Setuju?

Aku gatau gmana nanti hasil test IELTS ku. Tapi ini yang aku tau tentang IELTS: Inilah Emang Luarbiasanya Tuhan Saya! dan Tuhanmu juga. So, our sadness, our joy, our problems, our desperation, our IELTS test, GOD WILL USE THEM FOR HIS GLORY!

-Glory to God-